Paul and the Synoptic Jesus Tradition

Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG), Band 58

Heinz Hiestermann

This study compares the Jesus traditions in Paul’s genuine letters to the synoptic Jesus tradition. The aim is to identify parallels between Jesus traditions in the Pauline letters and synoptic Gospels and to determine whether the wording of the Pauline Jesus traditions is closer to any particular synoptic Gospel or Q. Paul’s quotes of words of the Lord (1 Cor 7:10–11; 9:14; 11:23–25) as well as possible allusions to Jesus traditions in Paul’s letters are investigated and compared to similar synoptic sayings of Jesus. Allusions to Jesus traditions in 1 Thessalonians and Romans are revisited.

Special attention is paid to possible allusions in Galatians. The findings show that Paul does make use of Jesus traditions resembling those of the synoptics, particularly the Gospel of Matthew.

[Paulus und die synoptische Jesustradition]

In dieser Arbeit wird die Jesustradition in den Proto-Paulinen mit der synoptischen Jesustradition verglichen. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es, ...


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