What Might Make Life Better?

On Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Michael Welker | John Witte, Jr.

This volume analyzes the powerful normative codes that, for better or worse, shape moral character and ethical education in European countries, in the US, Australia, South Africa, and other late modern liberal societies. Drawing on a major interdisciplinary and international study, this volume analyses the shifting places and roles of these normative codes both in the traditional social spheres of family, religion, law, politics, and markets as well as in the new social spheres of education, academic research, health care, the media, and the military. All of these social systems as well as their complex division of powers, we argue, are essential for building a good life and a good society today, but none should dominate the others. And all of these social systems must work, separately and together, to foster justice, freedom, benevolence, and peace at home and abroad.

[Was fördert ein besseres Leben? Charakterentwicklung, ethische Bildung und Wertevermittlung in spätmodernen ...


19,90 EUR (inkl. 7 % MWSt. zzgl.)

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Was fördert ein besseres Leben?

Michael Welker | John Witte, Jr.

Was fördert ein besseres Leben?

Charakterentwicklung, ethische Bildung und Wertevermittlung in spätmodernen pluralistischen Gesellschaften

Kirche des Wortes

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Wahrnehmung und Darstellung des Unendlichen

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Glück und Gott?

Zur Hermeneutik des guten Lebens

Die unsichtbare Welt

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Die unsichtbare Welt

Beiträge zur Weltwahrnehmung in den Wissenschaften


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Quatember 88 (2024) 4
Quatember, 4|2024