The Impact of the Military

on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Stephen Pickard | Michael Welker | John Witte (Eds.)

In an often violent and dangerous world military defense systems exercise a major role in the ways societies and nations function, develop their aspirations, protect themselves, promote their identities and shape their destinies. As we are only too aware at this time in global history, conflict, war and peace are deeply entangled and often morally ambiguous.

This timely volume of essays offers contributions from Europe, Africa and Australia. It raises fundamental issues about the indispensability of the virtues in the military; the relationship between military and the public good; the nature of combatants and a soldier’s responsibilities for humanity and peace; moral and spiritual injury; and new challenges for pastoral care in the armed forces.

[Der Einfluss des Militärs auf Charakterbildung, ethische Bildung und die Kommunikation von Werten in spätmodernen pluralistischen Gesellschaften]

In einer oft gewalttätigen und gefährlichen Welt spielen militärische ...


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