The Impact of Political Economy

on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Piet Naudé | Michael Welker | John Witte, Jr. (Eds.)

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In our late modern societies, a tension arises between an almost chaotic pluralism and relativism on the one hand and a »constructive plurality« on the other. The latter acknowledges the normative codes emanating from key social systems like law, religion, the family, education, the market, the media, the academy (sciences and humanities), health care, and defence and politics.

In this volume, a multi-disciplinary team of experts from Germany, Italy, Australia, the UK, the USA, and South Africa bring their conceptual, empirical and historical insights to bear in three broad sections: »The moral dimension of social systems«; »The interaction of religion, law and education with political systems«; and »The moral (mal)-formation evident in case ...


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