Inheriting the Mother's Name

Women's Subjectivity, Intercultural Theology and the Arts
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 29

Joo Mee Hur

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Christian women who put faith in action have been in solidarity with marginalized women in South Korea since the 1960s – most prominently, women workers since the 1960s, women victims of sexual violence since the 1970s, and women migrants since the 1990s. This volume focuses on the marginalized female marriage migrants and their experience of oppression. It analyses their socio-political context through a complementary subjective-objective approach and fosters a hermeneutics of empathy between Korean women and female marriage migrants based on historical scrutiny. In searching the scriptures Joo Mee Hur adapts intercultural theology for liberation, balancing between contextual hermeneutics and textual hermeneutics. Contrapuntally the author also opens a theological dialogue ...


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