Reihen und Editionen der Evangelischen Verlagsanstalt

Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology

The term Contact Zone was coined in postcolonial discourse to signify the place where cultures and religions meet. It implies that first contact, cultural-religious exchange and conflict have always been determined by power-relations. Making use of communication theories, hermeneutics and aesthetics intercultural theology generates new terminologies and theoretical tools to explore these interactions. Its scope ranges from issues such as dialogue and syncretism to fundamentalism and ethnicity. Perspectives of culture, religion, race, class, gender and inclusion alike are involved in the necessary multi-axial approach. Contact Zone creates a space where a choir of multiple voices is responding to the challenges of cultural religious pluralism, rethinking theology in the 21st century.
The series comprises monographs (incl. PhD dissertations) and anthologies (incl. conference proceedings).

[Der Begriff Contact Zone wurde im postkolonialen Diskurs geprägt, um den Ort zu kennzeichnen, an dem Kulturen und Religionen aufeinandertreffen. Er impliziert, das Erster Kontakt, kulturell-religiöser Austausch und Konflikt immer auch durch Machtverhältnisse bestimmt werden. Unter Zuhilfenahme von Kommunikationstheorien, Hermeneutik und Ästhetik entwickelt Interkulturelle Theologie neue Terminologien und ein theoretisches Instrumentarium, um diese Interaktionsprozesse zu erforschen. Ihr Spektrum reicht dabei von Themen wie Dialog und Synkretismus bis zu Fundamentalismus und Ethnizität. Perspektiven wie Kultur, Religion, Rasse, Klasse, Gender und Inklusion sind gleichermaßen in diese notwendigerweise multi-axiale Herangehensweise involviert. Contact Zone kreiert einen Raum, in dem ein Chor vielfältiger Stimmen auf die Herausforderungen des kulturell-religiösen Pluralismus im 21. Jahrhundert reagiert.
Die Serie umfasst Monographien (einschliesslich Doktorarbeiten) und Sammelbände.]

Inheriting the Mother's Name

Joo Mee Hur

Inheriting the Mother's Name

Women's Subjectivity, Intercultural Theology and the Arts
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 29

The Gods are not Jealous

Rahman Yakubu

The Gods are not Jealous

Lived Contextualization of Religious Identity and Dialogue through Dagomba Rites of Passage
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 30

Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics

Dorothea Erbele-Küster | Volker Küster (Eds.)

Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics

Responses to Covid-19 from Theology and Religions
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 27

Breaking the Master's S.H.I.T. Holes

Musa W. Dube | Paul L. Leshota (Eds.)

Breaking the Master's S.H.I.T. Holes

Doing Theology in the Context of Global Migration
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 25

Spaces of Mediation

Su-Chi Lin

Spaces of Mediation

Christian Art and Visual Culture in Taiwan
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 24

Muslim Christian Relations Observed

Volker Küster | Robert Setio (Eds.)

Muslim Christian Relations Observed

Comparative Studies from Indonesia and the Netherlands
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 22

Minjung Theology Today

Jin-Kwan Kwon | Volker Küster (Eds.)

Minjung Theology Today

Contextual and Intercultural Perspectives
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 21

Religion and Aging

Andrea Bieler | Matthias Stracke | Angelika Veddeler (Eds.)

Religion and Aging

Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Explorations
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 20

Fragrant Flowers Bloom

Ruiwen Chen

Fragrant Flowers Bloom

T. C. Chao, Bliss Wiant and the Contextualization of Hymns in Twentieth Century China
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 17

Unfinished History

Philip L. Wickeri (Ed.)

Unfinished History

Christianity and the Cold War in East Asia
Contact Zone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology, Band 18