Digital Freedom

The Ten Commandments in the Age of Digital Transformation

Herausgegeben von der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), übers. von David Dichelle

A Memorandum of the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD)

Digitalization now affects nearly all aspects of our lives. Much has been changing in the world – and this has led to the reassessment of crucial ethical questions: How are people to treat one another and what responsibility do we bear for the environment and the living world? And how can we shape our ongoing digital transformation in freedom and responsibility? This is the overarching concern of the publication, published by the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany.

The publication touches on timeless questions to be reassessed in the context of digitalization: How to address issues on securing our future, work and leisure, trust and betrayal, truth and lies. It encourages readers to avail themselves of the opportunities provided by digitalization, while not glossing over its critical facets. In doing so, the publication connects these developments with a text central to the biblical tradition, ...


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