Global Perspectives on the Reformation

Interactions between Theology, Politics and Economics
LWB-Dokumentation / LWF Documentation, Band 61 (Englisch)

Anne Burkhardt | Simone Sinn (Eds.)

The sixteenth-century Reformation transformed the church and society at large and its key theological insights had a concrete impact on the socio-political and economic spheres. Luther and his fellow reformers reconfigured Christian theology as they explored the liberating concept of justification by grace through faith as a core axiom of theological reflection. Lutheran and other churches of the Reformation continue to be empowered, informed and inspired by these insights, also with regard to their public role in today’s societies.

In light of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, eminent theologians and scholars from all parts of the world offer their insights into the interaction between theological thinking, economics and politics in the twenty-first century.

[Globale Sichtweisen auf die Reformation. Wechselwirkungen zwischen Theologie, Politik und Wirtschaft]

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