What Does Theology Do, Actually?

Observing Theology and the Transcultural

Matthew Ryan Robinson | Inja Inderst (Eds.)

Dieser Titel ist in einer Neuauflage unter der ISBN 978-3-374-07029-9 erschienen.

»What Does Theology Do, Actually? Observing Theology and the Transcultural« is to be the first in a series of 5 books, each presented under the same question – »What Does Theology Do, Actually?«, with vols. 2–5 focusing on one of the theological subdisciplines. This first volume proceeds from the observation of a need for a highly inflected »trans-cultural«, and not simply »inter-cultural«, set of perspectives in theological work and training.

The revolution brought about across the humanities disciplines through globalization and the recognition of »multiple modernities« has introduced a diversity of overlapping cultural content and multiple cultural and religious belongings not only into academic work in the humanities and social ...


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